About Honors
Capstone Experience
As the culmination of their Honors experience, students in the program will complete a capstone project or honors thesis to synthesize their learning and demonstrate their work. They will present their work at Design Expo at the end of the semester.
Capstone Project/Focus Area
Students must choose a capstone experience that falls into the focus area they selected, such as:
- Research
- Entrepreneurship
- Design
- Global Operations/Business (EGL Specialization)
- Public Service
Additional areas may be approved if the student submits a detailed plan indicating how it will meet their specific educational goals.
Students are encouraged to explore various focus areas before committing to a specific area. The Honors Seminar will provide students with opportunities to learn about the various capstone focus areas. Students will be required to select a capstone project proposal no later then the start of their senior year to allow ample time for project completion.
Capstone Project/Minor
Students’ capstone experience cannot overlap with their declared Honors minor. If a student has declared two minors, the Honors capstone experience should not overlap with the minor that is being used to fulfill the requirements for the Honors program.
In other words, your capstone project must be distinct from the academic work done for your Honors minor. If you have two minors, the project cannot overlap with the minor that you are using to meet the Honors program’s requirements.
Senior Design / Major Design Experience
Students may complete a capstone experience that is a continuation of their design experience, but must take it a step further to demonstrate their individual scholarly or professional work. Students may also select a project completely independent from the senior design experience
Capstone Supervisor
Each student will identify a capstone supervisor (a College of Engineering faculty member) to oversee the Honors Capstone Experience. Honors capstone proposals must be approved by the student’s capstone supervisor, and the Honors Program Faculty Advisory Board. Students should meet regularly with their capstone supervisor throughout the duration of the project to assess progress and establish goals.
Capstone supervisors can click here to read a letter from Honors Faculty Advisor, Professor Jason McCormick, outlining the expectations of a capstone project.
Capstone Completion
The project will be considered complete once it has been publicly presented, published online in the Honors Capstone Library, and certified by the capstone supervisor and Honors Faculty Advisory Board. The Honors Faculty Advisory Board will work with the capstone supervisor to establish criteria for ensuring the quality of capstone projects.
Students will display their capstone project during the Design Expo’s Honors Capstone Showcase event, which includes a poster session and an interactive presentation forum.
Current Students - Capstone FAQs
Current students: visit Canvas for more information or for the Capstone Proposal
Stacie Edington
Honors Location:
251 Chrysler Center
2121 Bonisteel Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2092
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM EST
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST
Walk-In Peer Advising Hours:
Monday – Friday
1:30 PM – 4:30 PM EST
(September – April)
Contact Us:
Email: coehonors@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 763-0505